Dumpster Diagnostics: Decoding the Clues Hidden in Your Trash Bin

Have you ever been curious about what's hiding in your garbage can? Every piece of trash you throw away reveals something about your personality, values, and environmental footprint.  You have entered the exciting field of dumpster diagnostics, where studying garbage may lead to important discoveries. You may learn a lot about your decisions and their … Continue reading Dumpster Diagnostics: Decoding the Clues Hidden in Your Trash Bin


Dumpster Zen: Finding Inner Peace through Decluttering and Organization

Finding serenity inside sometimes seems like an impossible task in today's chaotic society. The frame of mind attained by decluttering, however, is sometimes referred to as "Dumpster Zen."  Simplifying our environments and streamlining our routines might help us feel more at ease. The revolutionary path of Dumpster Zen begins with the realization that a clutter-free … Continue reading Dumpster Zen: Finding Inner Peace through Decluttering and Organization