If you are in Canada then you might have noticed I’ve been using bio identical hormone pellets near me for the last few years. Most of us don’t have access to them here in our country. However, thanks to a company based in New Zealand they have created an oral spray that can be taken by mouth and used just like a steroid. It’s an amazing concept that someone is able to create a delivery system for bio identical hormones, but it does make you wonder just how many people are not aware of this new technology. In this article I will talk about the new delivery system and what it can mean for you.

The way the bio identical hormone replacement pellets work is really simple. You take one of these pellets and place it under your tongue. When it reaches your intestines it gets metabolized into estrogen and progesterone, which are the two hormones that are created in your body when you’re pregnant. So in a nutshell, you get what you need without having to go through any pain or discomfort whatsoever.

This is fantastic news because there are so many women who suffer from a myriad of symptoms including mood swings, fatigue, moodiness, depression, and anxiety. All of these symptoms are caused by either an imbalanced progesterone level or an imbalanced estrogen level. With these two levels out of whack women experience a host of other symptoms that often lead to other health related issues such as acne, PMS, and arthritis. Hormone replacement therapy has been shown to greatly reduce the effects of all of these symptoms.

Now that we’ve got the technical details out of the way, it’s time to talk about why bio identical hormone replacement therapy is so effective. One of the most important hormones in the body is testosterone, and this is what leads to the symptoms that you experience as a result of hormonal imbalance. Testosterone produces both male and female hormones which play an integral part in every aspect of human sexual functioning.

Bio identical hormone therapy is a process where a physician inserts a specially designed hormone pellet directly into your body. The hormone pellets are made up of natural substances that mimic the effects of the hormones your body produces on its own. For example, a woman’s body produces estrogen while a man’s body produces testosterone. These hormone pellets are specifically formulated to work exactly like your own hormones, which means they cause the symptoms you experience to disappear. Most doctors use a gel form to insert the hormone pellets, but some prefer to use lozenges which are less messy. Some patients report feeling slightly uncomfortable with the idea of inserting a hormone pellet into their bodies, but it’s really no more uncomfortable than getting a shot or using an IUD.

Another great thing about pellet hormone therapy is that they don’t have to be messy at all. You can simply pop the hormone pellets into your vagina during the day, then wear loose clothing so that the hormones don’t get anywhere near you. If you prefer, you can even skip the process of inserting them into your body at all and just transfer the pellets by placing them in your vagina. The convenience of this method is undeniable.

Hormone replacement therapy has many positive benefits. However, it can be very costly, especially when you factor in the cost of doctor visits, pharmacy charges and the costs of the hormones. This makes hormone replacement therapy a much more expensive choice than just popping a hormone pellet in your vagina. What many people don’t know is that there are cheap alternatives to hormone replacement therapy. There are natural supplements available that can be used to treat menopausal symptoms at a fraction of the cost of going to a medical clinic for hormone replacement therapy.

These supplements are made from completely natural ingredients which replicate the effects of the hormones produced naturally by the body. They contain ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and herbs that have been shown to lower hormone levels. These supplements can be used every day without worry of wasting money or damaging your body. For more information on hormone therapy pellets please visit the website below.

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